School Leavers Employment Supports / Gap Year Program
Civic Gap Year Program
Unsure about life after school?
Civic’s Gap Year is a work experience program aimed at school leavers with disability. Wherever their passion lies, Gap Year looks to build the skills and confidence needed in the workplace.
The 12-week vocational course trains participants in key professional skills, as well as developing their social and communication skills to help get them ready for working life. The course combines classroom-based learning with hands-on work experience.
Co-Designed with You
Our team works closely with the students and their families to co-design the course around each participant’s needs and interests. By building up a profile on each participant, we can identify potential career paths that appeal to them and then tailor the course around the skills they would need for a specific industry.
What we offer
Civic operates a range of supported employment organisations where participants can learn on the job skills in a supportive work environment based around their career aspirations. We also work closely with local businesses to offer participants an experience of open employment.
Skills our participants will gain:
• Professional communication skills
• How to behave in the workplace
• Health & Safety training
• Work hierarchy and career prospects
• Employee rights and labour laws
Why did we develop Gap Year?
We noticed a real gap for students with disability: many were missing out on the opportunity to undergo work experience programs as the schemes could not cater to their needs. As they approached the end of their time in school, they were left without a clear direction for their lives after school or any idea of what jobs may be available to them.
Working alongside local high school teachers, we developed the Gap Year program to close these gaps and ensure that all children get the opportunity to find a job that is right for them.
What the parents are saying
“He’s been able to explore more opportunities that are going to build skills for future years to come”
“Taj’s self-confidence has increased due to the staff and their ability to understand Taj’s needs.”
“Taj’s individual needs are recognised and supported, and he’s not tried to be made to fit in a particular box.”
Lisa, Mother of participant
“Civic is really good for him: I can see every Monday and Wednesday he’s excited.”
Joy, Mother of participant
Find out More
For more information or to express interest in our next Gap Year program, please complete the form below, or contact our Customer Service Team on 1300MYCIVIC (1300 692 484) or email