This year was especially meaningful for Civic, marking our 65th anniversary as a human services organisation. And while we have taken time throughout the year to look back on our heritage and celebrate our achievements, it has also been a pivotal time for us as we look ahead to the next 65 years. There is no doubt that the Civic of today is different to the Civic established 65 years ago, by individuals who imagined a better future for their sons and daughters. It is now our responsibility to imagine a better future, perhaps not only for individuals with disability, but for all those who may face disadvantage and for whom we are positioned to support. Read More.
As Civic moves into its 65th year, it is important for us to celebrate the progress made. The past 65 years have seen significant change, driven by evolving social attitudes, legal developments and advancements in technology and healthcare. These changes have driven greater equality, inclusion and levels of support. But, our work is not done as the health and life outcomes of people with disability continue to be far lower than other Australians. We must continue to adapt and innovate our service delivery in constant pursuit of our vision, Human Potential Realised. Read More.
The words we use to describe the Civic of today are the same words we might have used 12 to 18 months ago: inclusive; innovative; diverse; an organisation that listens. The meaning of these words, however, is different. Thanks to the pandemic and to the people who make up Civic, these words, today, are more genuine and are reflective of an organisation that not only talks the talk but truly walks alongside the people we are here for. What sits at the heart of the past year’s achievements, and this report, is people. Read More.
As we look back on the past year, it has been one again characterised by uncertainty and a very real and ever present risk. We are again incredibly proud and grateful for the resilience and bravery of our employees, who have continued to deliver essential supports through the worst of the pandemic and who have supported our clients to achieve their goals against this backdrop. Read More
It has been a year like no other, during which, as an organisation and wider community, we have had to come together in order to navigate and continue to thrive in what we hope will be a once-in-a-lifetime event. Read more.
We are in the midst of building the foundations for a future that is sustainable; that is underpinned by our people; that continues to deliver thousands of every-day moments that matter; and which delivers a trusted and meaningful service to our clients, partners and communities. Read more.
Civic’s 60th anniversary has been an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the foresight of our founding members and the achievements of Civic as an organisation. Read more.
Civic has been a part of the greatest social change in the past 12 months under the NDIS. This change has ensured that people with disability now have greater outcomes and the choice and control they need to lead fulfilling lives. Read more.
We are delighted to present this year’s Civic Annual Report and to share our stories, the highlights of our year and many of the activities we have undertaken. Read more.