New Hurstville Community Hub officially opens
Civic’s Hurstville Community Hub was officially opened by Mr John Rayner, Administrator of St George’s River Council on 22 February 2017.
The event opened with a traditional Aboriginal smoking ceremony followed by an Acknowledgement of Country, then the speeches were followed by cultural performances and activities. Live music and afternoon tea were enjoyed by the guests who included clients, families, local councils, community groups and more. All in all it was a fun and community event.
The new service model used at Hurstville means that clients can access a range of exciting services from the base at 1 Jack Brabham Drive.
Located on the ground floor of a residential and retail precinct, the Hub places individuals with disability at the heart of the community with a beautiful outdoor space and excellent transport links.
Civic CEO Annie Doyle said: “The Hurstville Hub is so much more than just Civic. This Hub is about partnerships and bringing together the community. We thank all our partners who have worked to make the Community Hub the success story that it is.”
The opening of the Hurstville Community Hub comes at one of the most pivotal times of social change in Australia’s history. As the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) rolls out across NSW and throughout Australia, Civic are offering an innovative service model – delivering on the NDIA’s vision of ‘optimising social and economic independence and full participation for people with disability’.