Join us this month for an inspiring exhibition at Hazelhurst Arts Centre, as we showcase the powerful stories of 22 individuals of all abilities. The collective work looks past disability, shining a light, instead, on true human potential.
Presented by Civic Disability Services, featuring photographs by Kylie Myth, Illuminate showcases the unique achievements of 22 members of the Civic family, capturing an informal portrait of them at their most confident, at ease in their ability.
This exhibition is a celebration of confidence, designed to challenge pre-conceived ideas and provide an important opportunity to connect.
As a fully accessible exhibition, each portrait is accompanied by a personal story, which can be listened to via an audio recording or read as a text.
The exhibition will be held in Hazelhurst’s Broadhurst Gallery, from 23 January to 2nd February. Supported by Sutherland Shire Council, we hope you will join us in visiting this exhibition, where COVIDSafe practices are in place.
Civic Disability Services is a for-purpose organisation founded in Sutherland Shire more than 60 years ago. Today, they deliver social impact to individuals and the wider community across Sydney, the Blue Mountains and Shoalhaven regions. As a disability advocate and service provider, their mission is to assist others in realising their potential.
Event Details:
23 January – 2 February 2021
Broadhurst Gallery,
Hazelhurst Arts Centre,782 Kingsway, Gymea