Help Civic Support Northern NSW Floods

The Civic community has been directly impacted by the NSW floods. To support our loved ones in Lismore and Northern NSW, Civic is acting as a collection point for donations, and will be transporting donations to those in need from Friday March 11.

What You Can Do

If you, your friends and family are able to support, we are looking for donations of new

• Towels

• Sheets

• Toiletries

• Bottled water

• Vouchers for Bunnings and Woolworths

Where to Bring Donations

All donations should be delivered to Civic, 101-103 Cawarra Road, Caringbah by Thursday March 10. They will then be packed and transported to those in need in Northern NSW.

If you have any questions or would like more information please call our Customer Experience Team on 1300 692 484 or email

  • Call 1300MYCIVIC
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