Draft NDIS Act Released

The Government is proposing changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act), with a draft of the new Act released yesterday.

The changes are informed by the outcomes of the 2019 independent review of the NDIS Act, conducted by Mr David Tune AO PSM, who made 29 recommendations aimed at making processes easier and to improve the participant experience.

The proposed changes will: 

  1. establish the Participant Service Guarantee
  2. make improvements to processes for participants and providers
  3.  update the legislation to reflect the current state of the NDIS as a full scheme.

These changes are designed to give participants more choice and flexibility, fix parts of the legislation that are not clear or are out of date and give better support to people with more complex or unique needs, such as people with psychosocial disability, and children and families.

The Department of Social Services is asking people to consider the draft legislation and provide feedback by the 7th October 2021. 

For more information and to make a submission visit the Department of Social Services website. You can also access an Easy Read version of the Changing the NDIS Act and Rule here

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