The sun shone brightly at Head office on Thursday 19th May as clients and staff across Civic came together for the Biggest Morning Tea – raising important awareness and funds for Cancer Council NSW.
The biggest in-person event held on-site since the outbreak of COVID-19, it was wonderful to see clients and employees from all areas of Civic, with people coming from head office, Industries, New Era and Liverpool Hubs as well as from our home and living services.
“Taking part in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is always an important opportunity to support those impacted by and battling cancer,” says Annie Doyle, who opened the morning with an Acknowledgement to Country. “This year the event was even more special. It was wonderful to have so many people back on site, enjoying each other’s company after such a long time.”
Catered by Civic Kitchen & Catering, visitors were able to choose from a delicious array of baked goods – in return for a gold coin donation – including scones, muffins, quiches, cakes and slices. And with the coffee machine dusted off and the cafe back up and running, there was even barista-style coffee available to buy on-site.
Levent Akdeniz, a South West Sydney Support Worker, shared his outstanding musical talent with everyone, getting the crowd up and dancing to everyone’s favourites hits. Even Heartly couldn’t help but dance along to Levent’s amazing tunes.
As well as dancing and eating, visitors were able to take part in Civic’s Ring O’Roses initiative – overseen by Barbara – making and taking home bouquets of flowers. Special thanks to everyone who was involved; from those who brought in a dish to share, to those who helped out on the day, and to everyone who contributed a gold coin in support of a worthy charity. Below are a few pictures from the morning tea.