Civic named Most Outstanding Accommodation Provider

Civic Disability Services has been named Most Outstanding Accommodation provider in the 2021 Disability Service Awards, revealed at a ceremony last night. Attended by providers from across Australia, the award recognizes Civic’s work supporting previously homeless individuals with disability to access the NDIS and maintain tenancy in partnership with SGCH.

“I’m incredibly proud of the team who have been involved in this project and of our partnership with SGCH,” says Civic CEO, Annie Doyle.

“It is hugely gratifying to support individuals who have been homeless for a long period of time to enter into a tenancy agreement for perhaps the first time, and provide the wrap around supports to sustain that tenancy long-term. These outcomes are what we strive for every day. Being recognized for that impact through this award is the icing on the cake.”

Civic’s My Home Project was first established in 2020 in partnership with social housing provider, SGCH, and aimed to look at innovative ways to support those with disability who had been historically unable to maintain long-term tenancies. Taking a human centred design approach to model design and development, the project revealed the need for tailored, wrap around supports that would ensure the stability of the tenancy into the future.

To date, Civic has supported 10 individuals, most of whom have a history of living in crisis accommodation, unstable tenancies or homelessness, to access both tenancies and the supports needed to maintain long term tenancy.

Damien, who has resided in social housing as part of the project since 2020, was at the ceremony to receive the award together with team members from Civic and SGCH.

Under the project, Damien was supported to access Housing Pathways and transition into his own apartment. Receiving structured, inter connected supports, Damien’s health has stabilised and he has been able to re-gain visitation rights to meet with his daughters for the first time in several years.

“Damien’s story should be an inspiration to everyone and indicate the incredible impact housing and supports can have on the overall wellbeing of individuals,” says Annie. “Not only has he been able to achieve a stable living environment, this circumstance has now led to the reintroduction of critical family connections into his life.”

For more information on the My Home Project, please contact

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