The recent redevelopment of 4 Parramatta Square is a prime example of how the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) is working towards accessible workplaces for all.
Civic Disability Services, along with Achieve Australia and in partnership with National Disability Services (NDS) BuyAbility procurement service, have recently completed installation work in Parramatta under its Civic Crew employment model, ensuring the premises are ready to go before opening.
Civic Crew is an award-winning social enterprise, helping businesses to employ individuals with disability on a short- or long-term basis. Aimed at breaking down any barriers to employment, Civic provides businesses with an on-site supervisor, a rotating team – or ‘ Crew’ – and full administrative and back-up support. Members of the Crew work both at Civic and on-site at the employer site, enjoying the social benefits provided by Civic as well as the advantages of employment in the community.
For this project, a team of 18 individuals were employed to assist with an office installation, installing first aid kits, stocking stationery and performing cleaning duties, among other duties at the site.
The NSW State Government partnership with NDS and Disability Enterprises was recognised by the NSW Premier’s Award for Public Service 2018, Job Creation Category.
As stated by Caroline Myers, Executive Director, Property, Fleet & Procurement, “the Department has a proud and successful history of engaging disability enterprises, not only are we supporting supported employees, we are delivering really good value for money for the NSW taxpayer.”
Speaking about partnerships at Civic, CEO, Annie Doyle says, “Through partnerships, we can work alongside other organisations to deliver innovative new services and create transformative lifestyles for our clients. Partnerships such as this one gives individuals living with disability the chance to enjoy a valued role in society, which has a positive impact not only on their own health and wellbeing, but on that of their families and their community.”
Civic Disability Services
Civic Disability Services provides supported accommodation, employment and social connectivity to some of the many individuals with disability living in Australia. Founded more than 60 years ago, Civic is an ambitious, forward-thinking organisation, which has built on its solid heritage to be a true leader in the disability sector. Defining ourselves as a ‘for-purpose’ organisation, we are committed to improving outcomes for individuals with disability, supporting them to achieve their goals and make community connections, by investing in innovation, technologies and pilot ideas which drive forward the delivery of disability services.
National Disability Services
National Disability Services is Australia’s peak body for non-government disability service organisations, representing 1,000 service providers. Collectively, NDS members operate several thousand services for Australians with all types of disability.
BuyAbility Procurement Service
BuyAbility Procurement is a Service provided by the National Disability Services. This Service has been established to support Government and Non-Government entities procure goods and services from Disability Enterprises across Australia. To date the BuyAbility Procurement Service has supported over $40 million in contracts providing jobs for over 1,700 people with disabilities. The Lending Hands contract is one such initiative.

Media Contacts
Name: Belinda Franklin
Phone: (02) 9575 1947
Email: Belinda.Franklin@civic.org.au
Name: Simon Scrase
Phone: (02) 9256 3101
Email: Simon.Scrase@buyability.org.au